Graduated students

Former Postdocstoral fellows

  • David González-Solís (2016, 3 months; 2014, 5 months), ECOSUR Chetumal, Mexico
  • Jesus Hernández-Orts (2016, 3 months), Universitat de Valencia, Spain
  • Salvatore Mele (2016, 2 months), University of Sassari, Italy
  • Carlos Alonso Mendoza-Palmero (2015–2016, 3 months), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Mikuláš Oros (2016, 1 month; 2015, 1 month; 2014, 2 months), Parasitological Institute, Košice, Slovakia
  • Aneta Yoneva (2016, 3 months; 2015, 3 months; 2014, 3 months), Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Ana Pérez del Olmo (2014, 2 months), Universitat de Valencia, Spain
  • Björn Schäffner (2014, 2 months), University of Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Fabiano Matos Vieira (2014, 2 months), Universidade Federal Rural de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Tran Thin Binh (2011, 1 month), Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Aneta Yoneva (2010, 7 months), Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Street, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
  • David Gonzalez-Solis (2010, 7 months), El Colegio Frontera Sur ECOSUR, Unidad Chetumal, Mexico
  • Isabel Blasco-Costa (2010, 3 months), Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, University of Valencia, Spain
  • Martina Orosova (2008-2009, 2 years), Parasitological Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01 Košice, Slovak Republic
  • Mikuláš Oros (2008-2009, 2 years), Parasitological Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01 Košice, Slovak Republic
  • Barbara Wicht (2009, 3 months), Institute Cantonale Microbiol, CH-6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland
  • Edgar Fernando Mendoza Franco (2009, 1 year), Mérida, Mexico
  • Yuriy Kvach (2008, 1 year), Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, Inst Biol So Seas, Odessa Branch, UA-65125 Odessa, Ukraine
  • Andrea Gustinelli (2006, 3 months),Univ Bologna, Dept Vet Publ Hlth & Anim Pathol, I-40064 Ozzano Dell Emilia, BO Italy

Former PhD students

  • Simona Georgieva (2015): An integrative taxonomic approach to the study of trematode diversity and life-cycles in freshwater ecosystems.
  • Carlos Alonso Mendoza-Palmero (2014): Species composition and phylogenetic relationships among monogenean parasites (Platyhelminthes: Dactylogyridae) of catfishes (Siluriformes) from the Amazon River basin.
  • Anirban Ash (2012): Diversity of tapeworms (Cestoda) in freshwater fish of India.
  • Miroslava Soldánová (2011): Composition and structure of larval trematode communities in model freshwater pulmonate gastropods in eutrophic environments in Central Europe.
  • Jan Štefka (2008): “Host specificity, genetic variability and genealogy in populations of model parasite species”
  • Roman Kuchta (2007): “Revision of the paraphyletic ‘Pseudophyllidea’ (Eucestoda) with description of two new orders Bothriocephalidea and Diphyllobothriidea”
  • Anna Faltýnková (2006): “Developmental stages of trematodes (Digenea) in Central Europe”
  • Denisa Frantová (2004): Ultrastructural studies of adaptations to parasitism in spirurids (Nematoda: Spirurida) in the model ofCystidicoloides ephemaridarum.
  • Andrea Škeříková (2004): “Exploitation of molecular data for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of tapeworms of the order Proteocephalidea and Pseudophyllidea”
  • Juan Manuel Caspeta Mandujano (2000): The nematode fauna of freshwater fishes in central Mexico. A taxonimic-faunistic study.

Former MSc students

  • Bc. Lucie Uhrová (2020). Molecular phylogeny of Nearctic proteocephalids of the Proteocephalus-aggregate (Cestoda: Onchoproteocephalidea)
  • Bc. Tereza Vyhlídalová (2020). Production and periodicity in the emergence of cercariae of Diplostomum spp. (Digenea) from snails Radix lagotis (Lymnaeidae)
  • Pavla Heinclová (2019). The effect of direct predation by fish on cercarial populations of selected trematode species (Digenea)
  • Hynek Mazanec (2018). Molecular and morphological characterisation of digeneans of the family Strigeidae Railliet, 1919 from Iceland
  • Lenka Čapková (2014).Monozoic tapeworms of the genus Monobothrium (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea) from the Palaeartic and the Neartic zoogeographical region
  • Ivana Vlnová (2015): Revision of tapeworms of family Diphyllobothriidae (Eucestoda: Solenophoridae) from the monitor lizards.
  • Lenka Čapková (2014): Monozoic tapeworms of the genus Monobothrium (Cestoda: Caryopyllidea) from the Palaearctic and Nearctic zoogeographical regions.
  • Jana Zikmundová (2014): Molecular and morphological characterisation of species of Plagiorchis Luhe, 1899 (Digenea: Plagiorchiidae) in lymnaeid snails from freshwater ecosystems in Central Europe.
  • Eliška Panáčková (2014): Host specifity and geographical distribution of the tapeworms of the genus Spirometra Faust, Campbell and Kellogg, 1929.
  • Kateřina Leštinová (2014): Morphological analysis of the tapeworms eggs of the order Diphyllobothriidae.
  • Lenka Šípková (2011): Spermatological characters in Bothriocephalidea (Cestoda).
  • Andrea Bednářová (2011): Life strategies of flukes (Digenea) with focus on the cercarial developmental stage.
  • Alena Burianová (2011): Revision of African bothriocephalid cestodes.
  • Rebecca Brown (2010, Erasmus Work Placement): “Comparative ecological and molecular approaches to parasite diversity in freshwater mollusks in Europe”
  • Eva Černotíková (2010): “Molekulárni fylogeneze vybraných druhů rybích hlístic podřádu Spirurina na bázi SSU rRna genů”
  • Petra Drobníková (2010): “Vitelogeneze karyofylidních tasemnic”
  • Petra Rozkošná (2010): “Monogenea cichlidních ryb peruánské Amazonie”
  • Ivana Haasová (2009): “Tasemnice čeledi Gryporhynchidae z Afriky”
  • Dagmar Jirsová (2009): “Phylogenetic relationships of small intestinal flukes (Digenea: Heterophyidae), with emphasis on the taxonomy of the Ascocotyle complex”
  • Björn Schäffner (2009): “Revision of Wenyonia (Caryophyllidea)”
  • Romana Vlčková (2008): “Taxonomic revision of tapeworms from genera Oncodiscus, Tetrapapillocephalus and Bothriocephalus (Bothriocephalidae) from lizardfishes of the genus Saurida”
  • Eva Horáčková (2007): “Biologie a výskyt larválních stádií motolice obrovské (Fascioloides magna) v České republice”
  • Lenka Kablásková (2007): “Larválni stádia motolic předožábrých plžů (Orthogastropoda) ve střední Evropě”
  • Jan Brabec (2006): “Paraphyly of pseudophyllidean tapeworms: testing a phylogenetic hypothesis using sequence data (18S and 28S rDNA)”
  • Martina Wijová (2006): “Evolutionary relationships of Spirurina (Nematoda: Chromadorea: Rhabditida) with special emphasis on dracunculoid nematodes inferred from SSU rRNA gene sequences”
  • Eliška Stránská (2005): “Vitelogeneze a ultrastruktura vitelocytů u tasemnic”
  • Michaela Uhlířová (2005): “Comparative study on the fauna of parasitic oxyuroids (Nematoda: Oxyuroidea) of reptiles from Azerbaijan and selected areas of the near East”
  • Roman Kuchta
  • Jan Štefka
  • Anna Faltýnková (2002): “Biology of developmental stages of trematodes from aquatic molluscs”
  • Andrea Škeříková (2000): “Molekulární a morfologická analýza fylogeneze evropských zástupců tasemnic rodu Proteocephalus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae)”

Former BSc students

  • Miroslava Čenková (2019). Mnohobuněční paraziti akvarijních ryb Symphysodon aequifasciatus a životní cyklus invazní tasemnice Schyzocotyle acheilognathi
  • Tereza Vyhlídalová (2017). Složení společenstev larválních stádií motolic (Digenea) u vybraných zástupců plicnatých plžů čeledi Planorbidae.
  • Lucie Uhrová (2016). Diverzita larválních stádií tasemnic čeledi Gryporhynchidae (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) z cichlidních ryb (Perciformes: Cichlidae) jižní Afriky
  • Pavla Šedivá (2012). Comparisons of methods for fixation and preparation of samples for tapeworms by scanning electron microscopy
  • Kateřina Hrubá (2012): Diversity, host specifity and phylogenetic relationships of tapeworms of the genus Monobothrioides(Cestoda: Caryophyllidea), parasites of catfishes in Africa.
  • Michaela Jíchová (2011): The hosts and the geographical distibution of the tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Bothriocephalidea). Supervisor: Roman Kuchta
  • Petra Šarounová (2011): Effect of temperature on emergence of cercariae of model freshwater trematodes. Supervisor: Aneta Kostadinova
  • Jana Zikmundová (2011): Is there a soldier cast in freshwater echinostome trematodes? Supervisor: Aneta Kostadinova
  • Ondřej Máca (2009): “Parasitic crustaceans from Neotropical freshwater fish”
  • Andrea Bednářová (2008): “Vývoj cerkárií motolic v prvním mezihostiteli: současný stav znalostí a perspektivy”
  • Alena Buriánová (2008): “A comparative study of tapeworms of the genera Polyonchobothrium, Senga and Tetracampos (Cestoda: Bothriocephalidea) from freshwater fish of Africa and Asia”
  • Petra Rozkošná (2008): “Monogenea cichlidní ryby Cichlasoma amazonarum z peruánské Amazonie”
  • Eva Suchanová (2008): “Ultrastruktura spermiogeneze a spermie motolice Aspidogaster limacoides (Trematoda, Aspidogastrea)”
  • Lenka Šípková (2008): “Spermiogeneze a ultrastructura spermií tasemnice” Parabothriocephalus gracilis (Eucestoda), cizopasnika bathypelagické ryby Psenopsis anomala”
  • Petra Drobníková (2007): “Vitelocyty karyofylidních tasemnic”
  • Ivana Haasová (2007): “Tapeworms of the family Gryporhynchidae (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) parasitic in herons (Ciconiiformes: Ardeidae) in Mexico”
  • Dagmar Jirsová (2007): “Molekulárni fylogeneze motolic čeledi Opisthorchiidae a Heterophyidae”
  • Romana Vlčková (2006): “Morfometrická analýza eurasijských druhů tasemnic rodu Triaenophorus (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea)”
  • Jan Brabec (2004): “Molekulární fylogeneze tasemnic řádu Pseudophyllidea”
  • Eva Horáčková (2004): “Some aspects of the biology of the giant liver fluke (Fascioloides magna)”
  • Lenka Kablásková (2004): “Výskyt larválních stádií motolic v měkkýších rybničních oblastí jižní Moravy a Třeboňska”
  • Martina Wijová (2004): “Molekulární fylogeneze na bázi SSU rRNA genů u drakunkuloidních hlístic”
  • Roman Kuchta
  • Jan Štefka
  • Anna Faltýnková (2000): “Vývojová stadia motolic ve vodních měkkýších v okolí Haklových Dvorů u Českých Budějovic”
  • Roman Drábek (1996): “Srovnávací morfologie skolexů tasemnic rodu Proteocephalus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea), cizopasníků sladkovodních ryb v Evropě”
  • Eva Matějovská (1996): “Fauna motolic cizopasících u ryb řeky río Hondo a sladkovodních jezer Yukatánského poloostrova, Mexiko”


Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Parasitology
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice

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