Datum: 13.12.2019

Seminář: Konstantinos Tokatlidis (Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology)

"Unconventional protein import to mitochondria in response to stress"

Katedra molekulární biologie a genetiky Vás zve na seminář "Unconventional protein import to mitochondria in response to stress". 
Seminář se koná v pondělí 16. prosince 2019 od 10:30 hod v zasedací místnosti Parazitologického ústavu PARU II (nad zvěřincem).

Kostas made some seminal discoveries into the mechanism of import into the part of the mitochondrion between the inner and outer membranes. This involves a relay of dithiol bonds and sophisticated redox biology.

He has published in prestigious journals such as Cell Reports, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology and Journal of Cell Biology.

Please check out is work here: https://www.gla.ac.uk/researchinstitutes/biology/staff/kostastokatlidis/




Biologické centrum AV ČR, v.v.i.
Parazitologický ústav
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice